Sunday, September 2, 2007

Come to The Highlands

Well, it's been a busy week with very little time to get to a computer. But I suppose that's a good thing.

Chris and I took a 2-day excursion to the Highlands in Scotland. Since I'd been in Brigadoon, I guess it was a must. I have to say it was stunning. My favorite part would be taking a hike in Glen Affric. Breathtaking views and Chris describes it as prehistoric. It was a natural high.

We also visited Loch Ness, to see if we could spot Nessie. The weather was overcast as we were driving around, but as we arrived at the far end, the sun was breaking through the clouds and it was an extraordinary sight with incredible photo opportunities. Maybe I can get Chris to post a picture of it. More about our trip later.

On a completely different note, I finished reading the final Harry Potter book! Yes, I know I'm a little late. But I have to say I'm SO glad I waited. I ended up reading the entire book here in Scotland, where Ms. Rowling wrote the books. Wouldn't you say that's apropos! AND, I'd heard that she'd checked herself into the famous hotel, The Balmoral here in Edinburgh, to write the final chapter in Harry's adventures. As much as I would've loved to rent her hotel room (at $800/night) to finish it, I chose for the lounge instead. I also visited The Elephant House Cafe where she first began writing the series. Yes, it's cheesy, but you gotta do it sometimes!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Brute Force

A big hello and thank you to Cynthia Barrette from all of us!!!

We all had the pleasure of seeing an amazing piece of theatre last night called Fuerzabruta. Truly extraordinary physical theater by the people who created De La Guarda. Endlessly fascinating, you're never sure what might happen or where the performers will come from. I ultimately felt it was a piece about connection and breaking down one's own barriers. Who can't relate to that?! If you ever find yourself near where this is performing, GO.

Chris Vaughn (his friend Rebecca) and I also decided to take a night, ghost tour. Steeped in Edinburgh history, it was a fun and silly way to learn about the past battles and hardships fought here through the centuries. We also got the real story on Greyfriars Bobby. Finally, forty of us ended up crammed into the Black Mausoleum, where our guide proceeded to tell us of a poltergeist who continually disturbs the people who visit. I just felt a bit itchy, nothing major. :-)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


They have a tradition here in Edinburgh called the Military Tattoo. The ticket says it's The Event of the Year. I can see why. Tickets are hard to come by, so we're very lucky to have seen it.

Groups from all over the world come to perform at the Esplanade next to the Edinburgh Castle. We were packed in like sardines to watch a group of gun-flinging girls from Taipei, the world's only steel drum marching band from Trinidad and Tobago and some daredevil motorcycle riders. I felt a sense of pride when a group from Massachusetts came out dressed like George Washington, gorgeously playing flute and drums. They looked quite smart. And the Scots were well represented. I found myself emotional near the end of the evening with two trumpet players and then a lone bagpipe playing a traditional Scottish anthem. Of course, what would The Event of the Year be without fireworks. And all set against the stunning backdrop of the Castle. It truly was extraordinary.

If you're ever coming over for the Fringe, book your tickets well in advance. It's worth it!

Monday, August 20, 2007

A Magical Night

Everyone headed to Prestonfield Manor House for a beautiful dinner in a gorgeous setting to celebrate Northern Stage's jump across the pond.

Executive Producers Mike, Barbara, Cynthia, Pat, and Susan, along with Brooke, Giles, Anne, Lisa, Kim, Chris G., Chris V., and myself. It truly was a special evening spent together enjoying lovely food and even better company.

Many heartfelt words were spoken and it really spoke volumes about the community that Northern Stage is a part of, and helping to grow. I am grateful to be a part of this extraordinary family, and I thank each and every one of you again for your unending kindness and support.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Half Way

Well, we just reached the mid-point of our incredible adventure here in Edinburgh. It's been an amazing trip so far. New friends, lots of creativity, and Scotland!

The people who support Northern Stage and who made this journey possible!! (including Mr. Ramsay) are here this week (minus Ms. Doherty-who is sadly missed!). It's been wonderful getting to see them and spend a little time gallivanting around this historic city taking in theater, food and libation. And they're all coming to see the performance this evening, so I have a built-in cheering squad. Always welcome!

I'm taking it easy today. Resting the voice. And ALSO booking a quick jaunt over to Ireland when we finish here. Chris Vaughn and I are taking two days to fly to Shannon, and drive south along the west coast toward Cork. I've heard stunning reports, so it must be done. Did I mention how grateful I am to be here?!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Recently, we've been having groups come to see the show. That's always nice cause it helps to fill the audience! :-) And they've all been wonderful...I've gotten a chance to speak with most of them.

We had a gang from Stanford in CA, who are here with Macbeth, and they talked about wanting to bring Wife back to their school.

Another troupe from various places around the states. Several talked about wanting the play in their various cities: Atlanta, La Jolla, and Claremont. That would be fun!

Also a group from London. They asked really intelligent questions specifically about the show. They were lovely.

It's such a fantastic feeling to see that this important message is getting across to so many people and that they are finding the value that this play would have for many audiences.

Well, off to see another show here at the Fringe before heading to the theater for "my own."

Saturday, August 11, 2007


It's been a busy week, filled with meeting lots of new people, seeing shows and performing to wonderful audiences. A man who produced I Am My Own Wife in London came to see the show. He knows both Doug Wright and Jefferson Mays quite well, of course. (luckily I didn't know he was there until after :-) ) He stayed after to speak with me. Very complimentary. He said that he never thought another actor would be able to do the piece after working with Jefferson, and then he thanked me for dispelling that thought in his mind. He also said he was going to call both of them to see if they could make it over to see the production. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

We've been doing lots of walking around this incredible city. I have yet to really see the historical sights, so I'm planning a bus tour next week. After all, isn't that what tourists do?? I must say though that the castle in the center of town is magnificent. Every time I see it, it blows me away. I love when a structure can do that. Quite like the Chrysler building in New York. There are some things you never take for granted, thank goodness.

Well, I'm off to catch another show before our performance. It's been quite wonderful to hear great things about our show all over town. And I hear the Fringe office is quite impressed with our numbers for attendance. Hooray for that!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Morning (ok,afternoon) After...

Wife opened last night in Scotland to a very successful show. We had a great crowd who were very responsive and I hear that everyone was buzzing as they left the theater. Chris Vaughn was there as they left to see if people wanted our promotional beads with a tag about the show, and everyone snatched them up to wear them proudly.

Rob and Tracy Rosenbaum were also in the crowd. They've seen quite a few shows already and said that Wife was the first they saw to receive a standing ovation, which was nice. It's a wonderful, intimate venue and the people working here are so gracious and helpful.

We had lunch today at the pub who is sponsoring us, and a couple of the patrons had already been to the show! Well, I'll post more later. Have to start getting ready for this evening.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Day is Here...

Well, I've been in anticipation of this moment since last September. We are flying out today to head to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. Can you hear the excitement in my writing?! Our flight is this evening out of Boston, with a quick layover in Amsterdam before arriving tomorrow morning.

Mike and Barbara Gerling opened their gorgeous home to us last night for a beautiful send-off party. So many wonderful, familiar faces and a few new ones, which is always nice too. I could certainly feel the love and support behind this important journey we're all embarking on. And I look forward to seeing some of you over there in about a week's time!!

Wish us well. There's a lot more to come. I'll be keeping you posted as regularly as I can. Thank goodness for Ari getting us hooked up with free WiFi. Hooray!

Best to you all!
ps- thank you for the cookies!!
and chocolate. ;-)

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Countdown...

Just finished the show here in Vermont, and the crowds were wonderful. Such a great turn-out! People who've seen the show already bringing new friends and faces. The story is a relevant one, to say the least.

An adorable woman, Annie, came to all three performances and gave me a beautiful gift she picked up in Berlin on her travels. I'll be taking it with me to Edinburgh and putting it in my dressing room. Thank you for that. The support from everyone has been tremendous and I take all of your comments and well-wishes with me and our incredible team!

Wish us safe travels on Saturday, and I'll update you Soon!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Preparation and Performance...

I'm back here in White River Junction for a few performances of the show to gear up for Edinburgh. We've had two successful runs so far and am thrilled to be revisiting this beautiful piece of theater. It seems there's always something new to explore with the writing. I must say that I also recently saw the film, The Lives of Others (brilliant), and it added to my research of the time period in which I Am My Own Wife takes place...especially with regards to the Stasi, (Communist Secret Police).

It's also lovely to see people coming back to see the show for a second and third time. It's a testament to why Doug Wright won a Pulitzer.

One more performance tomorrow, Thursday evening at 7:30p, and then off to Scotland on Saturday. Excitement!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lion Cubs

Two lion cubs were literally playing at my feet this morning. I felt like Charlotte von Mahlsdorf. It was incredible. We also saw zebras, wildebeasts, flamingos, ostrich, and gorgeous lions all in their natural habitat!

Yesterday's workshop with the people here was wonderful. It was a nice turnout and hopefully they got a lot out of it. It was on Strength of Character, and since I play 33 of them, they thought that would be fitting for me to teach. :-)

Our final performance is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Word has spread and we were already sold out. They're expecting many people standing at the back. I'm just grateful the piece resonates here.

Heading back to the states on Monday. The trip was too fast! Must make it back. So much to see here!


Friday, May 4, 2007


Hello all!

I'm writing you from Harare in Zimbabwe. We're at the HIFA festival and it is an amazing event. We've performed two shows and we're one of the hits of the festival. So we hear. Everyone has been so incredible to us. The people are so kind and genuine. We have a wonderful run crew. So talented. Couldn't be happier.

Brooke and I are on our way to a safari park today after I teach a workshop. We had breakfast with people from the American Embassy this morning. It's a whirlwind tour and we're loving every moment of it.
Best to all,