Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Day is Here...

Well, I've been in anticipation of this moment since last September. We are flying out today to head to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland. Can you hear the excitement in my writing?! Our flight is this evening out of Boston, with a quick layover in Amsterdam before arriving tomorrow morning.

Mike and Barbara Gerling opened their gorgeous home to us last night for a beautiful send-off party. So many wonderful, familiar faces and a few new ones, which is always nice too. I could certainly feel the love and support behind this important journey we're all embarking on. And I look forward to seeing some of you over there in about a week's time!!

Wish us well. There's a lot more to come. I'll be keeping you posted as regularly as I can. Thank goodness for Ari getting us hooked up with free WiFi. Hooray!

Best to you all!
ps- thank you for the cookies!!
and chocolate. ;-)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Things have got to be just two hairs short of insane for you and the crew - and amazing...

Hope all proceeds smoothly! Good Luck!
