Sunday, September 2, 2007

Come to The Highlands

Well, it's been a busy week with very little time to get to a computer. But I suppose that's a good thing.

Chris and I took a 2-day excursion to the Highlands in Scotland. Since I'd been in Brigadoon, I guess it was a must. I have to say it was stunning. My favorite part would be taking a hike in Glen Affric. Breathtaking views and Chris describes it as prehistoric. It was a natural high.

We also visited Loch Ness, to see if we could spot Nessie. The weather was overcast as we were driving around, but as we arrived at the far end, the sun was breaking through the clouds and it was an extraordinary sight with incredible photo opportunities. Maybe I can get Chris to post a picture of it. More about our trip later.

On a completely different note, I finished reading the final Harry Potter book! Yes, I know I'm a little late. But I have to say I'm SO glad I waited. I ended up reading the entire book here in Scotland, where Ms. Rowling wrote the books. Wouldn't you say that's apropos! AND, I'd heard that she'd checked herself into the famous hotel, The Balmoral here in Edinburgh, to write the final chapter in Harry's adventures. As much as I would've loved to rent her hotel room (at $800/night) to finish it, I chose for the lounge instead. I also visited The Elephant House Cafe where she first began writing the series. Yes, it's cheesy, but you gotta do it sometimes!


Brooke Ciardelli said...

Welcome home! You have made us all proud with the extraordinary performance and participation in the Fringe! I can't think of someone whom I'd rather have representing our company (Northern Stage), the US or most importantly - Charlotte! I'm sure she's smiling!

Love and Thank You -


Unknown said...

hi uncle kevin, its me sean again, wats ur email address?

Anonymous said...

hi uncle kevin! its amie and brea and ashley! we love you! c u l8r! byeas