Thursday, August 16, 2007

Half Way

Well, we just reached the mid-point of our incredible adventure here in Edinburgh. It's been an amazing trip so far. New friends, lots of creativity, and Scotland!

The people who support Northern Stage and who made this journey possible!! (including Mr. Ramsay) are here this week (minus Ms. Doherty-who is sadly missed!). It's been wonderful getting to see them and spend a little time gallivanting around this historic city taking in theater, food and libation. And they're all coming to see the performance this evening, so I have a built-in cheering squad. Always welcome!

I'm taking it easy today. Resting the voice. And ALSO booking a quick jaunt over to Ireland when we finish here. Chris Vaughn and I are taking two days to fly to Shannon, and drive south along the west coast toward Cork. I've heard stunning reports, so it must be done. Did I mention how grateful I am to be here?!


Grandma J said...

Kevin and the Gang: What a thrill to think about what you all are making happen across the pond. Take a bow! Sending you good wishes and big hugs!!
Janet and Richard

Unknown said...

Life has been quite hectic since our trip to Scotland. Highlights for us of course include Watching Wife on opening night, and eating fish and chips with some of the wife gang!

Did I forget to mention, how brilliant Kevin continues to be in Wife. We have seen the show now 4 times and continue to be amazed at the depth that Kevin is able to take us on each journey with him at every performance.

More later,
Rob and Traci

Unknown said...

way to go uncle kevin!
its me sean, so how r u i havent seen u in a long time!
well heres my email so we can talk more:)


Unknown said...


Sorry I missed the call the other day! Was at work but great to read your blog and catch up today! It sounds amazing and the reviews posted on the sight are awesome. I miss you both terribly and send my love. Have a great time in Ireland and many a hug and kiss.

Mr. Thomas