Saturday, August 11, 2007


It's been a busy week, filled with meeting lots of new people, seeing shows and performing to wonderful audiences. A man who produced I Am My Own Wife in London came to see the show. He knows both Doug Wright and Jefferson Mays quite well, of course. (luckily I didn't know he was there until after :-) ) He stayed after to speak with me. Very complimentary. He said that he never thought another actor would be able to do the piece after working with Jefferson, and then he thanked me for dispelling that thought in his mind. He also said he was going to call both of them to see if they could make it over to see the production. Needless to say, I was thrilled.

We've been doing lots of walking around this incredible city. I have yet to really see the historical sights, so I'm planning a bus tour next week. After all, isn't that what tourists do?? I must say though that the castle in the center of town is magnificent. Every time I see it, it blows me away. I love when a structure can do that. Quite like the Chrysler building in New York. There are some things you never take for granted, thank goodness.

Well, I'm off to catch another show before our performance. It's been quite wonderful to hear great things about our show all over town. And I hear the Fringe office is quite impressed with our numbers for attendance. Hooray for that!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I miss you guys!It' hot and humid in Vermont, hope Edinburgh is still cool and breezy.