Saturday, May 5, 2007

Lion Cubs

Two lion cubs were literally playing at my feet this morning. I felt like Charlotte von Mahlsdorf. It was incredible. We also saw zebras, wildebeasts, flamingos, ostrich, and gorgeous lions all in their natural habitat!

Yesterday's workshop with the people here was wonderful. It was a nice turnout and hopefully they got a lot out of it. It was on Strength of Character, and since I play 33 of them, they thought that would be fitting for me to teach. :-)

Our final performance is tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. Word has spread and we were already sold out. They're expecting many people standing at the back. I'm just grateful the piece resonates here.

Heading back to the states on Monday. The trip was too fast! Must make it back. So much to see here!


Friday, May 4, 2007


Hello all!

I'm writing you from Harare in Zimbabwe. We're at the HIFA festival and it is an amazing event. We've performed two shows and we're one of the hits of the festival. So we hear. Everyone has been so incredible to us. The people are so kind and genuine. We have a wonderful run crew. So talented. Couldn't be happier.

Brooke and I are on our way to a safari park today after I teach a workshop. We had breakfast with people from the American Embassy this morning. It's a whirlwind tour and we're loving every moment of it.
Best to all,